Escorts vs Prostitutes

Escorts vs Prostitutes - What's the Difference?

Escorts vs Prostitutes – What’s the Difference? Escorts vs prostitutes — is it the same thing? When it comes to the world of sex work, there are many different terms that are often used interchangeably, such as escorts and prostitutes. However, these terms have very different meanings and implications. Some visitors at Escort Ads … Read more

Adult Classifieds Glossary

Adult classifieds glossary. What the heck do those words mean?!

Adult Classifieds Glossary Adult Classifieds Glossary: All the definitions you will need! Online dating and adult classifieds have come a long way since their inception way back in the day of print newspaper personals sections. With the advent of technology, these sex ads have taken on a whole new dimension. With the rise of online … Read more